The Cooperation Tool includes a specific area for management of public information, in order to support Dissemination and Relations with external entities.
A major point is its ability to create and manage a complete Public Web site of the project. The Web site can appear under a specific Web address (URL):
e.g. This also fulfils a contractual obligation of research projects, which benefit from public funding.
Contents published in the Public Web site can be originated in two ways: a)Objects already existing in the Public Area can be published automatically
b)Contents, which are Web site specific, can be edited by means of the internal CMS.
Visitors have the possibility to register themselves, in order to be able to access some specific pages of the Web site, e.g. to download public deliverables,
subscribe to a newsletter or ask to participate in public events organised by the project.
The list of registered visitors can be valuable to the project for possible future contacts related to exploitation of results.